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Regina Spektor Live In London

Regina Spektor will release Live In London on November 22, 2010 via Sire/Warner Brothers Records. The record will be dedicated to cellist and band leader Daniel Cho, who passed away this summer.

Read more to see the track listings.


1. On The Radio

2. Eet

3. Folding Chair

4. Sailor Song

5. Blue Lips

6. Après Moi

7. Dance Anthem of the 80’s

8. Silly Eye Color Generalizations

9. Bobbing For Apples

10. Wallet

11. Ode To Divorce

12. That Time

13. The Calculation

14. Machine

15. Laughing With

16. Man Of A Thousand Faces

17. Hotel Song

18. Us

19. Fidelity

20. Samson

21. The Call

22. Love You’re A Whore

DVD, Blu-Ray, Digital Video

1. Introduction (November Rain)

2. On The Radio

3. Eet

4. Laughing With

5. Folding Chair

6. Après Moi

7. Blue Lips

8. Machine

9. Dance Anthem of the 80’s

10. Silly Eye-Color Generalizations

11. Wallet

12. The Calculation

13. Man of a Thousand Faces

14. That Time

15. Hotel Song

16. Sailor Song

17. Us

18. Fidelity

19. Samson

20. Credits

Bonus Material:

1. Bobbing for Apples

2. Ode to Divorce

3. The Call

4. Love, You’re a Whore

5. Soundcheck

6. To Daniel Cho

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