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Hip Hop

Download Chiddy Bang – ‘Peanut Butter And Swelly’ Mixtape

Chidera Anamege and Xaphoon Jones of Chiddy Bang have just released their new mixtape Peanut Butter And Swelly, the newest installment of Chiddy Bang’s sample-filled, witty-rhyming discography. This is a release that will no doubt be played heavily throughout the summer months and is intended to hold over fans until they release their highly-anticipated debut album Breakfast later this year. Just last week, we talked to the duo about their new projects. Swelly!

From illRoots
From Mediafire
From Hulkshare

For a sample of what’s on the mixtape, check out the first song “Cameras”, which samples Matt and Kim‘s song of the same title, below.

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