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Wildlife Release “…On The Heart”

Previously mentioned before when they put out their single Born To Ruin, Wildlife now have released their sophomore album with the help of Wax Records. This record is everything it was hyped up to be both musically and thematically; all about moving forwards, and not looking back. As a Lost in The Sound exclusive, here is our favorite song from the album for your listening pleasure, Lightning Tent.


Vocalist, Dean Povinsky words about the album. “It keeps us going, keeps us living and gives us a place to be free. Don’t stop believin’? Follow your dreams? Sure. But it seems to me that the heart is too complex to be summed up in a catchphrase. I think it would be fair to say that this new album was created to try to make a little sense of that complex, mysterious, vital muscle. Maybe with a couple catchphrases thrown in for good measure. We buried our hearts deep inside this thing, and we hope you love it as much as we do.” Watch the music video for their track Born To Ruin below, and buy the full album in digital, CD, or 12″ form from their Bandcamp page.

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