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Indie Rock

Listen: Listener – “Eyes To The Ground For Change”

Talk Music band Listener is set to release their third LP, Time Is A Machine on June 18th. Listener is the work of Dan Smith, Christin Nelson, and Kris Rochelle. I’m really excited for this record; Wooden Heart, their previous record was just such a unique experience, filled with wonderful words and a instrumentally thin but well done piece. If you’ve never really checked out spoken word, Listener is a great introduction. They often sit in between a spoken word band with a post hardcore vibe. You can check out an interview with them here. Eyes To The Ground a track from their new record is currently available for free download through their website, along with an album presale and tour dates. I think it makes a perfect intro to the band. The guitar just feels so smooth throughout the entirety of the song, and Dan always has something interesting to say. You can also stream the track below.

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