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Indie Rock

Watch: mewithoutYou – “All Circles”


mewithoutYou have released a music video for their song All Circles off of their most recent album Ten Stories. The video uses stop motion clay figurines to portray a science fiction sonic journey. The track also features Hayley Williams of Paramore accompanying Aaron Weiss’ vocals. You can download an HD copy of the video by donating to the now independent band here through Paypal.

The director of the video, Michael P. Heneghan stated, “The egg breaks, the atom shakes, the earth quakes, the DNA snakes, the man takes. Life and love, sex and death, the first murder and then the train goes off the tracks. This universe will be the undoing of itself. Look for clues – do not trust the blue mouth man, he is not what he seems. Elephant knows the way. Our hearts must be broken for our souls to escape. Where will it end? Where did it begin? All circles presuppose…” Watch the video below, and if you haven’t listened to the album yet pick it up digitally or on vinyl.

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