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Indie Rock

Twin Atlantic Announces Release Date

Twin Atlantic has announced that they will release their new album, Free, on Red Bull Records on May 3rd. Free was recorded at Red Bull Studios with legendary producer Gil Norton (Foo Fighters, Pixies, Jimmy Eat World). The band will also begin a European tour on April 27th. Read more to see the tour dates.

Upcoming Twin Atlantic Tour Dates
4/27    Belfast, UK                 Speakeasy Bar
4/28    Dublin, Ireland         Academy 2
4/30    Aberdeen, SCT       Lemon Tree
5/1      Inverness, UK            Ironworks
5/3      Newcastle, UK         Academy 2
5/5      Manchester, UK      Academy 3
5/6      Glasgow, UK           Barrowlands
5/7      Leeds, UK                  Cockpit
5/8      Nottingham, UK      Rock City
5/10    Birmingham, UK      Academy 3
5/11    Bristol, UK                   Fleece
5/12    Southampton, UK   Joiners
5/13    London, UK              Kings College
5/16    Tilburg,  NL               013
5/17    Cologne, DE            Blue Shell
5/18    Hamburg, DE           Molotow
5/21    Stuttgart, DE             Zwoelfzehn
5/22    Berlin, DE                   Comet Club
5/23    Munich, DE              59:1
5/24    Prateeln, SUI            Gallery Music Club
5/26    Vienna, Austria       Vienna Arena
5/31    Frankfurt, DE            Das Bett
6/3      Copenhagen, DK   KB18
6/4      Hasselholm, SE        Siesta Festival
6/5      Oslo, NO                    John Dee

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