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Indie Rock

Single: I See Stars – “End of the World Party”

Track: “End of the World Party”
Artist: I See Stars
Release Date: December 7, 2010
Label: Sumerian Records

We all know the explosion of popularity that has come to the “synthcore” genre in the past five or so years, and one band that I seem to have taken a liking to above most of the other more generic bands out there is the six piece, Warren, Michigan based group I See Stars. Their debut full-length on Sumerian Records, 3D, was received with mixed opinions by the music community, I being one of those on the “liked it” side. With their sophomore LP titled End of the World Party, due to be released late next month, I See Stars gave us a taste of what they will be delivering when they released their first single last month, which will be the title track on the upcoming release. And I must say, it’s nothing that we haven’t heard before on their previous release. Opening with (you guessed it!) a breakdown accompanied by some dubstep programming in the background, “End of the World Party” shows that their is not much to be considered new to this band, but for what they do, they pull it off fairly well, so I’ll give them a sliver of credit for that. After the screams subside (with more dubstep!) this young group shows one of their most prominent qualities: the ability to write an excellent hook. The chorus of this song will spread through your mind like the black plague, and will stay there until it fully runs its course, all the while the musicianship stays on par with their previous material. The song goes on with semi-catchy verses and then hits hard again with the huge sing-a-long chorus provided by the obviously tampered-with vocals of Devin Oliver. As the song comes to an end, we hear the same breakdown that accompanied the beginning of the track and then the three minute track ends, without much to be remembered other than the flashy chorus.

All in all, it’s a good effort, and for what it’s worth, it’s a fun track to jam in the car. But “End of the World Party” leaves not much to be desired in the long-run.

“End of the World Party” is from End of the World Party, out February 21, 2011 via Sumerian Records.

Listen: Via I See Stars’ Myspace

Rating: 6.8/10

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