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Listen: Andrew Bird – “Eyeoneye”

“Eyeoneye” is our very first look at the extremely talented whistler/singer-songwriter Andrew Bird‘s upcoming new album, Break It Yourself. Although the album won’t make its official release until March 6, the new song will be available for immediate download with a pre-order of the limited edition box set of the album from his website here. In terms of style, “Eyeoneye” has a sound that reminds me of “Masterfade” or “Fake Palindromes” from The Mysterious Production of Eggs so perhaps Bird is taking a pre-Noble Beast type direction to the album. Either way, I’m incredibly excited.

Break It Yourself Tracklisting:
01. Desperation Breeds…
02. Polynation
03. Danse Caribe
04. Give it Away
05. Eyeoneye
06. Lazy Projector
07. Near Death Experience Experience
08. Behind the Barn
09. Lusitania
10. Orpheo Looks Back
11. Sifters
12. Fatal Shore
13. Hole in the Ocean Floor
14. Belles

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