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Listen: Ricky Eat Acid – “I can hear the heart breaking as one”

Sam Ray
Ricky Eat Acid has released a new song titled I can hear the heart breaking as one after working on it for a longtime. Surprisingly this track is a much more hi-fi unlike his prior releases under this moniker. However though, his haunting atmosphere is still very present. You can listen to it below and download it from Soundcloud.

In Ray’s own words about the track, “i’ve been having this dream that spans a few weeks and each night in my dream it grows less and less dark until the last few nights it stays completely light out even though there’s no sun and at that point i just stop sleeping and on the last night i go outside at 4 am and the sky is blue and i go inside to grab my camera because of the way the trees look against the blue sky and my dad is in my room reading the bible on my bed with my cat sitting on his lap and he tells me that the end is coming soon.”

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