Vernon recently decided to venture into and promote other projects he is involved in. In early 2013 he joined up with Brian Moen, and Phil Cook to create, or rather to bring back, The Shouting Matches. In 2008, the Shouting Matches released their debut album, Mouthoil which was recently released again due to the bands newfound fame. Now they have regrouped to bring you their latest album, Grownass Man. For those who don’t know about The Shouting Matches, they have a different sound compared to what you are used to from Vernon, and Bon Iver. With strong electric guitar strumming, and Vernon’s dynamic voice, the band is more known for their blues vibe. Vernon’s wide vocal range is utilized to bring out a new, more powerful sound, and is a big must listen for all Bon Iver fans wanting more songs during their hiatus.
If that does not fill you up, lately Vernon has worked in the group Volcano Choir, that consists of member from Collection of Colonies of Bees as well as Vernon himself as the lead vocalist. Volcano Choir most resembles the indie vibe that is expressed in Bon Iver, although with a slightly more upbeat tempo. Volcano Choir recently released their second studio album Repave and is a definite must have for Bon Iver fans in waiting.