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Stream: ODDESSA – “Intrigue”



New label meets new sound. Australian Pilot Records are just a year old, but ever since their inception they have been looking for the best electronic-instrumental projects out there. They are dedicated to releasing new music in their own ‘hybrid electronic’ style; music with a live electronic character that incorporates traditional ‘band’ instruments. That’s when Pilot and ODDESSA crossed paths; and we at Lost In The Sound couldn’t be more excited about it.

ODDESSA is Phil Rogers, owner of the Adelaide bar/club Cuckoo and local label Cuckoo Music. With help from Pilot Records and friends Surahn Singh Sidhu (Empire Of The Sun) and Ben Smith (URTEKK), Rogers has exclusively released his debut album Intrigue via Juno Digital Release. He will be releasing Intrigue everywhere else later this October.

For now, you can take a sneak peek at what ODDESSA sounds like on his Soundcloud, below:

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