Nate Ruess, vocalist of fun., took some time to talk with Lost in the Sound. fun. is currently on the Vices and Virtues tour with Panic! at the Disco and Funeral Party. Two years after releasing critically acclaimed album,Aim and Ignite, the band is finally working on a sophomore album. Nate talked about the current tour, the new album, and more. Check out the interview below.
Nate: It’s been really fun. People are super nice and there’s been nothing to complain about. A very stock answer, but true.
LitS: You always describe fun.’s live shows as a “whirling dervish” of music. Has anything changed from these live shows over the years?
Nate: No. It still feels kind of the same. There’s still a kind of raw energy to the shows where we’re always smiling.
LitS: Are there any differences between your live shows with fun. and The Format?)
Nate: Yeah, of course. There’s been different songs and a whole different bunch of things. Aside from me, everything is totally different. (more…)