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Indie Rock

Coachella 2011: Arcade Fire – “Wake Up”

Arcade Fire‘s Saturday night set at Coachella was widely appreciated by fans, with the Canadian indie-rock band returning to the stage that helped launch them into the limelight way back in 2005. As they closed their main set with “Wake Up”, hundreds of giant, glowing beach balls floated down on the crowd from above the stage, changing colors from blue to red to green.

Check out the performance and the band’s setlist below.

Month of May
Rebellion (Lies)
No Cars Go
City With No Children
The Suburbs
The Suburbs (Continued)
Crown of Love
Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
We Used to Wait
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
Keep the Car Running
Wake Up

Ready to Start
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)

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