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Interview: Baby Giraffe

As the modern day music scene develops, it’s becoming more and more common for people to self produce all of their music. As we take a look inside the mind of Baby Giraffe, we see how beautifully crafted melodies can lie behind a bedroom door just as often as they do inside of a professional studio. From an independent and unsigned artist, we can also see large differences in their perspective of the music scene.

What is your name and band name?

Baby Giraffe: My name’s Michael and I’ve been recording under the moniker Baby Giraffe since the mid 2000’s.

Can you explain the reasoning to why you chose the name “Baby Giraffe” and what it means to you?

Baby Giraffe: It was a name that was associated with me when sme old roommates of mine were playing a game of “what animal do you look like.” I’m fairly tall, gangly, docile and my hair used to naturally tuft a bit at the top so I figured it was appropriate.

 What is the music scene like in Ontario, Canada?

Baby Giraffe: Being from the largest city in Canada, we have quite an amazing scene. A lot of acts have broke through from here in the last decade in one incarnation or another. It’s important to note that there’s at least a handful of good, accessible venues if you’re not already an established act to build from. Places like the Rancho Relaxo, the Garrison, the Silver Dollar, etc., are all venues you can find some great young artists at. No pay-to-play bullshit, although the city does have some of those promoters as well.

Through the progression of your music, was there ever a time where you felt you really hit your stride as an artist?

Baby Giraffe: I feel every time I finish an album I feel my strongest, but that feeling is often quick to fleet and I’m usually bored of what I’ve done within a week and working on something new anyways. Because I record and finish albums alone and then just throw them online for free, there’s no PR buildup or anything. I don’t think I’d be able to handle sitting on a finished album for months and months waiting for the right environment to release it into. It cheapens the music, especially if you release it with no monetary desire in the first place.

How do you think self producing your music out of your own bedroom effects you as a musician?

Baby Giraffe: I’m a terribly shy person when it comes to performing in front of people. I’ve always been fine in the back somewhere playing guitar or bass or organs or whatever, but in front of a microphone feels like starring down a great white to me. So working by myself in my room has been mostly a positive thing. I can try whatever I please without feeling too embarrassed if it’s bad, and I can put out stuff as fast as I can write it. There’s no hanging around waiting for studio time, it’s literally five feet from where I sleep.

Is Baby Giraffe your job or do you produce your own music as a side project?

Baby Giraffe: It’s certainly not my job. The money I’ve made off  ‘Baby Giraffe’ isn’t even enough for PayPal to do a bank transfer, so we’re talking bus fare dollars here. I can’t even fathom making a living from music, but it’s a nice dream.  I have a full time job and I do some part time college courses studying music and writing. I keep busy.

Have you been working on any new material?

Baby Giraffe: I’ve got a full album near finished but it’s really poppy/guitar hooky. I don’t know if I can do the whole thing without feeling like a bit of a knob. The music is super happy and the lyrics are typical me so I don’t feel it will pan out.  Aside from that, I’ve got a handful of other tracks on the go and I’m also playing bass in a band called The Autumn Stones. We sound a bit like early Bunnymen with some twee influence and the odd brass part. I’m always doing a few things with different people, I feel it’s important to collaborate in as many ways as you can.

All of Baby Giraffe’s music is available on his Bandcamp page, where his music is free most of the time. Be sure to check out my personal favorite, “Daylight“, from his album Heres Your Horizon.

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