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Album Reviews

Review: Ambassadors – “Litost”

Ambassadors – Litost


Released: January 16, 2012
Label: Unsigned
Purchase: iTunes

I am surprised by the absence of publicity for Ambassadors and their most recent record Litost. In 2006, the band started to get going, when unfortunately their keyboardist Casey Harris ended up in the hospital, needing a kidney transplant to survive. During that time, the members separated temporarily and Sam Harris went on to write much of what is now Litost.

This release appeals to indie rock fans as it provides both calm tunes such as Litost, and head nodding tracks like Unconsolable. The standout feature from this album is the raw emotion implemented in the songs, as I have always been a fan of vocalists who mean the words that are being sung. Once word spreads about this album, people will acknowledge this underrated band, and help propel them to the recognition they deserve.


Standout Tracks: “Falls”,“Unconsolable”,“Lay Me Down”


1. Weight/Lightness
2. Falls
3. Unconsolable
4. Litost
5. (O Death)
6. Lay Me Down
7. Caged Animals
8. Bodybag

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