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Stream: The Wonder Years – “The Greatest Generation”

The Wonder Years Band Photo
Hopeless Records are currently streaming The Greatest Generation, the upcoming album by pop-punk band The Wonder Years, in its entirety on their Youtube channel. The band has posted a message to the fans, regarding how important it is that fans pre-order and purchase the album and how much work was put into creating the album. 

“It’s 2013 and no one that wasn’t supposed to have our record got it until we mailed them out. It’s shocking and really a nice feeling that a bond of mutual respect with everyone who had the press stream kept the album where it belonged.

Now, the record is streaming so you can listen guilt free. Like I said, its 2013. I know how shit works. Music is free if you want it to be, so why pay for it? To that, I say, touché. I get it. I understand but I’d like to counter with this: it’s $10.

Crime in Stereo said this to me once and it really struck me. Just stop and think about what you’d spend $10 on; one trip to Chipotle? Going to a movie if it’s a cheap one? Maybe a t-shirt from like Urban Outfitters if its on sale? Two beers at a bar?

We put in months of our lives into this record. We sweat and we froze in a shitty practice space. We argued and fought tooth and nail over every song. We spent weeks of 15 hour days at the studio working until we physically couldn’t anymore literally getting frustrated to the point of punching walls because we didn’t get it perfect. And that doesn’t even begin to account for financial shit. But forget all that. What’s most important is that we feel all the way down to our bones that this is our best record to date and the critics seem to agree.

It’s not intended as a guilt trip or like I’m pleading with you. It’s just a suggestion: next time you’re about to go to Chipotle, maybe eat what your mom made or use your college meal card or make something yourself. The next time you’re gonna go to the bar, split a 30 rack with some buddies and drink at home. I’m suggesting you take that $10 and buy The Greatest Generation because we think it’s worth it and it matters to us as a band that you do. That’s all. Hope your lives are great. See you this summer.”

-The Wonder Years

Check out the early playlist stream of The Greatest Generation below! The album is set to be released May 14th by Hopeless Records, which you can pre-order hereThe Wonder Years are set to play the entire length of the Vans Warped Tour this summer.


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