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Track: CHAMP – “Burnt Alive”

Track: “Burnt Alive”
Artist: CHAMP
Release Date: February 18th 2014
Label: Fleeting Youth Records

Hailing from San Diego four piece outfit, CHAMP‘s single Burnt Alive lays testament to the re-emergence of catchy as hell garage punk bands e.g. The Orwells, FIDLAR, and Mumblr. The song kicks off with a little bass lick followed by frontman Joel Williams howling over fuzz drenched chords, “I don’t wanna walk down memory lane / it’s all the same / it makes me feel like nothing’s changed”. With arpeggiated riffing and thematically weary verses, you just can’t wait for the anthemic chorus paired tastefully with squealing feedback to kick back in. CHAMP’s debut self-titled album on February 18th will be released in both cassette and digital formats via Fleeting Youth Records. Pre-order the album here, and stream Burnt Alive below!

Rating: 9.25/10

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