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Hip Hop

Download GAYNGS-Doomtree Regrind/Remix EP

GAYNGS have released a new seven-track remix EP titled Affiliyated for free download and streaming. The project features seven songs “regrinded” by members of the Minneapolis hip-hop collective Doomtree who randomly chose 10 stems from the album and then created something entirely new and unique.

You can listen or download the EP in its entirety below.

“To create the GAYNGS’ Regrind EP all of the stems from the bands debut album,Relayted, were arbitrarily named and compiled into a list … [A] collection of producers and musicians … were then instructed to choose only 10, without knowing what songs they came from or what instruments they contained. One could choose anything from four sax solos and six bass lines, to eight keyboards and two background vocals. The combinations that could be chosen were indefinite…the only certainty was that the parts would all be set to the tempo of 69 beats per minute.

From there, the re-grinders were free to chop, pitch-shift, and otherwise pulverize the stems into a new, cohesive song. The only rule was that they must use all 10 stems they were given, and that the tempo must remain at GAYNGS’ standard 69 bpm.”

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