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Hip Hop

Listen: Chiddy Bang – “When You’ve Got Music (feat. The Knocks)”

With their new mixtape Peanut Butter & Swelly just a few days away from release, Chiddy and Xaphoon of Chiddy Bang have decided to release a new song every day this week. The three new tracks released this week will lead up to the mixtape’s official release this Friday. The first track from the mixtape is titled “When You’ve Got Music” and features producer Xaphoon Jones sampling The Knocks, long-time friends of the rap duo. If you aren’t already excited for the mixtape’s release, this preview should spark some interest. Download and stream are below.

Just a few days ago, we talked to Chiddy and Xaphoon about the release of Peanut Butter & Swelly, as well as the release of their upcoming debut album Breakfast due out later this year via EMI. You can read that interview here.

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