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Lana Del Rey & Azealia Banks Team Up

Smims&Belle is the name of the new DJ side project of Mark Foster and Isom Innis (of Foster the People). Their first project comes in the form of a Lana Del Rey remix, with the two remixing “Blue Jeans” and enlisting the help of Azealia Banks for a new guest verse. Below, you can listen to the full extended remix. Foster and Innis have also uploaded the “original” version of their remix as well, which you can peep here.

Listen: Hot Chip – “Night And Day”

The first official single from Hot Chip‘s forthcoming In Our Heads is the dance-floor bumper “Night And Day”. Driven by a funky, disco-sounding bassline and Alexis Taylor’s digitalized vocals, the new song sounds like it could fit snuggly somewhere on One Night Stand or more likely, in your local DJ’s next dance playlist. “Night And Day” will be officially released by Domino Records on June 4th alongside a remix by 2 Bears and a B-side, “Jelly Babies”.

Watch: M83 at Coachella 2012

Picture from prettymuchamazing.com

On Friday, M83 performed at the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival 2012. Anthony Gonzalez and Co. performed songs from all their albums including their most recent 2011 album, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. They also performed a Daft Punk cover. Watch M83‘s full set below. For more Coachella coverage, click here.





  1. Intro
  2. Teen Angst
  3. Reunion
  4. Sitting
  5. We Own The Sky
  6. Steve McQueen
  7. Fall(Daft Punk cover)
  8. Midnight City
  9. Couleurs.

Watch: Radiohead at Coachella 2012

Picture from RollingStone.com
Radiohead‘s full headlining set at Coachella last night can be watched below. Accompanied by a spectacular light show, moving panels, and Thom Yorke’s ponytail, Radiohead performed quite a bit off The King of Limbs, but also made sure to sneak in some old classics like “Karma Police”. If you didn’t catch it last night or if you were too busy switching between Radiohead and the ASAP Mob, you can watch it all below. For more Coachella coverage, click here.

01. Bloom
02. 15 Step
03. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
04. Morning Mr Magpie
05. Staircase
06. The Gloaming
07. Pyramid Song
08. The Daily Mail
09. Myxomatosis
10. Karma Police
11. Identikit
12. Lotus Flower
13. There There
14. Bodysnatchers
15. Idioteque

16. Lucky
17. Reckoner
18. After The Gold Rush/Everything In Its Right Place

19. Give Up The Ghost
20. Paranoid Android

Blog Tapes: The Coachella Mix

[Blog Tapes] – Coachella from metrojolt on 8tracks.

About a year ago, some of us blogger folk decided to band together for a series of Monday Mixer playlists. We’ve proudly joined forces again to restart the series – bigger and better than ever before. Blog Tapes, the new mixtape collective featuring our favorite music blogs on the Internet today, kicks off today with its very first mixtape: 8 hand-picked songs from artists that are all playing at this year’s Coachella festival. Give it a listen above!

DJ Shadow – “Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt”

It’s rare in music for something to completely transcend the strict boundary lines that separate genre from genre. For some reason, we feel the need to box what we listen to into such explicit categories that we’ve even created subgenres within genres and so on. Dream-pop? Surf-rock? Seriously? Since stunning audiences with 1996?s Endtroducing….., the very first album to be recorded using only sampled sounds, DJ Shadow has somehow managed to consistently avoid being defined by labels. By blending songs from all areas of the musical spectrum, DJ Shadow’s sample-heavy music is a fantastic look into the world of music that doesn’t have to be classified to be enjoyed. Seriously. – Frank @ Lost In The Sound

The Head and the Heart – “No One To Let You Down”

I’ve been a fan of this Seattle band for awhile. They’ve only released their debut album but they have a treasure trove of unreleased materials like “No One To Let You Down” to listen to and fall in love with. – Ian @ 1146 Miles

Grouplove – “Colours”

I thank my sister for my love of Grouplove, the 7? of Colours was a birthday present from her, chosen because of it’s excellent cover. Anyone heading to Coachella needs to put these guys near the top of their lists if only for the huge rolling choruses which have the noise of Doolittle-era Pixies and the energy of any festival headline act. The outro alone is made for mud-spattered singalong sunsets. –Marcus @ A Pocket Full Of Seeds

Oberhofer – “Gotta Go”

Brad Oberhofer deals in sun-ripened throwback fuzz-pop that is practically tailor made for singing along to in big crowds. You bet your ass I will be up in the mix belting out all the big “OOoohhs” during “Gotta Go.” In fact, the whole jam is prime sing along material. It’s Oberhofer’s thing. A handful of other Oberhofer gems are kicking around the internet and debut LP Time Capsules II is out now. If you don’t know these guys then skip the pool on Sunday and get to the Mojave Stage at 1:10 to join the sing along! – Brandon @ The Burning Ear

We Were Promised Jetpacks – “Act On Impulse”

Scotland has always had a rich heritage of music, but it is the emotive and fierce We We Promised Jetpacks that are carrying the Saltire with pride at the moment. The band have come a long way from their debut album, keeping the desperation and energy, but have now found a little warmth in their hearts as here in Act On Impulse. – Tim @ The Blue Walrus

Keep Shelly In Athens – “Hauntin’ Me”

One of last year’s discoveries that I’ve been keeping an eye on has to be Greece’s Keep Shelly In Athens. Seemingly coming out of nowhere to making it to the Coachella stage in the matter of a year, their set is sure to bring the perfect early afternoon vibes to the early afternoon crowd. I only hope I can drag myself to the fest early enough to see them myself. – Chris @ dailybeatz

Death Grips – “I’ve Seen Footage”

I’m not going to Coachella but if there’s one act I’d rush to see in a festival setting it would be Death Grips. The trio twist punk, hardcore and hip-hip into antagonizing soundscapes fit for a slaughterhouse. Their rhythm and noise formula is a fist in the air, fuck the system blast of energy well-suited for losing your mind under the hot desert sun. Tear the tents down! – Veronica @ Cream Team

Kaskade – “Turn It Down”

It wasn’t a surprise to me that this year’s Coachella is heavily EDM. The somewhat underground movement have been brought to the main stage- plus a DJ is many times cheaper than a band so the decision makes a lot of sense economically. Kaskade is my favorite dance act of the festival. His Fire & Ice album, released back in October 2011, is the reason I’ve been dying to see him live ever since. – Ben @ The Metropolitan Jolt

Is This Whitey’s Last Stand?

The first time I heard Whitey, I had recently immigrated to the US to escape the violence of my ‘home country’ by becoming an increasingly violent cabdriver in my new ‘country’…

Whitey. The name might ring a bell. Whitey Bulger, mobster. No relation. Whitey Ford, Hall of Fame pitcher. Enough wrong turns via the Google and, god forbid, you might find yourself listening to Everlast’s mook balladry.

These guys are not our guy. This particular Whitey is London native and a purveyor of a distinctive brand of electro-rock, one that dispenses with all the cliches that make electro-rock both easily identifiable and easily ignored. Whitey is a street-smart malcontent who still manages to wears his heart on his sleeve. And no matter how many times life knocks it off, he always stops to dust it off, straighten it out and carefully pin it right back on. It’s an act of defiance that goes hand-in-hand with his caustic tongue and eternal rejection of the status quo. Though his career has spanned nearly a decade, until recently, his output was limited to two albums, with two potential albums having been a.) leaked and subsequently scrapped and b.) scrapped and remade.

But you do know Whitey even if think you don’t. Here’s 22 million reason why:

If that’s not enough, Whitey’s music has appeared on the Gran Tourismo 5 soundtrack, as well as such notable TV shows as The Sopranos, Entourage and House. He’s done remixes for Bloc Party, Cut Copy, Soulwax and Kylie Minogue. You’ve heard Whitey even if you’ve never listened to Whitey. Here’s some listening to get you started:


Whitey debuted with The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a Train, hitting the UK in 2004 and following up in the US in 2006 on Dim Mak Records. Pre-dating the electro-rock explosion by a few years, TLATEOFTTIAT showcases Whitey’s knack for banging out memorable tunes as well as his unique lyrical sensibilities, which combine healthy doses of world-weary cynicism with the bleeding heart of a never-say-die romantic. Much like Raymond Chandler’s iconic Philip Marlowe, the traits are complementary. The cynicism keeps him from being burned by the heartless while the romanticism inspires him to press forward.

The fatalism of the album title informs about half the songs, especially “Can’t Go Out, Can’t Stay In” and the title track. The cynicism pushes “Y.U.H.2.B.M.2” and “Halfway Gone” into darker territory than the music itself would suggest. It’s never simple cynicism for its own sake, but rather just an undeniable aspect of the whole, urged on by the restlessness of a heart and a mind that won’t stop wanting what they want, no matter what obstacles the world erects.

The music itself alternates between distorted electro-rock dustups and slower, bleaker pieces composed of minor chords and evocative noises. The title track throws Hawaiian balladry into the mix, along with the crackle of old vinyl and Lynchian tones of industrial doom but somehow still ends up a beautiful heartbreaker fit for slow dancing. “A Walk in the Dark” starts out with a menacing, low-slung buzz, strutting along until the 4 minute mark, where it dies off completely before returning as a low-key acoustic reprise, altering the tone from “threatening” to the “not-quite-benign tearful apologetics of an abusive lover.” A remarkable feat at twice the length, but Whitey pulls it off in slightly over 5 minutes.


Whitey’s follow-up was supposed to be Great Shakes. Due to be released in 2007, the promo version was leaked by someone on the US side of the music press. Once Whitey saw the album had been downloaded “10 to 12,000 times,” Great Shakes was pulled. In response to this, Whitey originally planned to release an album entitled Stay on the Outside, composed of reworked Great Shakes material and other originals.

Despite his solid debut and a load of fans constantly shouting “Genius!” at anyone who would listen (I’m one of them), Whitey found himself with some half-finished, half-leaked albums and no distributor. While fans bided their time at Youtube, a frustrated Whitey continued to crank out music and stick it in the vaults between trips to the States. Finally, in 2010, Whitey released a brand new album, Canned Laughter. What was originally intended to be a mix of Great Shakes reworks and originals morphed into an entirely new album, following the blueprint set down by TLATEOTTIAT, but taking an altogether darker path.


“The world is fucked,” Canned Laughter announces, as the narrator mounts a bold attempt to un-fuck it. Whitey rails against those who have remade the world in their own corrupted image while directing slightly-less-venomous tones at those treading the well-worn path of complacency.

Whitey’s well-directed cynicism is front-and-center during this 10-song set and a palpable sense of angry disgust runs through tracks like “Liars, Vipers, Jokes and Fakes” and “Times Up.” The heartbroken romantic remains but shifts into “wallflower mode.” It’s not all damaged psyches and bitterness, though. “Count Those Freaks” wryly updates “get off my lawn” for the club scene and “The Up Sound for Down People” celebrates “gutter aristocracy.” And if anyone was looking for PiL to update “This Is Not a Love Song,” “I Had a Wonderful Night (It Just Wasn’t This One)” hits all the right sentiments, pinning the heartfelt-in-the-worst-way lyrics to what would be a mawkish ballad if it wasn’t for the layer of acid coating the surface.

Whitey takes care to never let the message get in the way of the music. The tunes convey his anger and frustration without resorting to the easy shorthand of aggro guitar strafing or head-punching beats. Instead, Whitey lets little touches do the heavy lifting, like the ominous industrial noise that surrounds “Dinosaur” or the tortured calliope of “Send in the Clowns.” “Liars, Vipers, Jokes and Fakes” kicks off with (of all things) the good-time vibes of a Caribbean cruise, sporting an absurdly cheery calypso beat while the lyrics head in another direction entirely.



Taking albums out of order is seldom a good idea. The great news is that Great Shakes is no longer a “lost” album. Spread across two volumes, Great Shakes is Whitey’s strongest set of tunes. Taking these tracks off the market must have killed him.

“Cigarette.” The previously mentioned “Wrap It Up.” “Never Enough.” “G.I.R.L.” “Stay on the Outside.” “Do the Nothing.” “Individuals.” “The Gutter.” “Full of Dust.” All killer cuts. All endlessly hummable. All shot through with quotable lyrics. The upbeat tracks flat-out rock. The downbeat tracks punch you right in throat. Great Shakes makes perfect sense in its original setting as the album bridging the gap between his audacious debut and the unnerving Canned Laughter. The promise of TLATEOTTIAT is fulfilled completely.

[Here’s one of my all-time favorite Whitey tracks, coupled with my very favorite (and fan-made) video. The looping animation is a half-assed inside joke. Short story short: Whitey once threatened to ban people who used “LOL” or “OMG”, etc. from his MySpace page. TROLOLOLOL.]

The rhetorical question remains: would Canned Laughter be as resolutely dark if Great Shakes had been released as planned? It’s hard to see how it would. Most likely it would have been a bit more balanced, with a little more daylight breaking through the clouds. Life informs art and Whitey’s experiences during the long lapse between official releases were mostly unpleasant. Make no mistake, Canned Laughter is still a killer album but Great Shakes is a much more complete package.


So, how does someone with as much talent as Whitey end up in limbo? How can someone whose music has been licensed by Grand Theft Auto and The Sopranos fall into the cracks? How can an artist who crafts immaculate hooks without sacrificing intelligence find himself “unmarketable,” or at the very least, “not marketable enough?”

All we’re left with is the vague statement that Whitey’s self-titled followup to Canned Laughter will (most likely) be released on Dim Mak at some unspecified date in the future. That, and a demo reel of sorts over at Youtube. The very promising career that began with The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a Train looks to be coming to an end, having been waylaid by the Great Shakes fiasco. It’s tough to build momentum when the situation insists on remaining out of your hands.

Whitey has intimated that this upcoming album may likely be his last. Pushing boulders uphill against the content firehose that is the internet takes its toll. What’s left of his creative energy is currently directed towards work on film soundtracks. A few trips to L.A. (including one where he met my dad!*) have at least given him another creative outlet, even if it means abandoning the Whitey brand.

[*This is the most inside of inside jokes. If Whitey reads this, he’ll laugh, and if so, I’m happy with that. If pressed, I’ll explain, because nothing makes jokes funnier than long explanations.]

That’s tough news to take as a fan, much less as an artist. The upside is that Great Shakes has finally seen the light of day and, if his Bandcamp offerings drum up enough sales, he’ll possibly be able to tour in support of the new album. If it ends up being Whitey’s farewell tour, so be it. Many artists have left the field for a multitude of reasons, but very few have left behind such a strong body of work. I’m hoping this isn’t the end, but if it is, Whitey’s leaving at the top of his game.

[One final track for you. If I’m called upon to offer up a requiem for Whitey, I can’t think of one more suited for the job than “Made of Night” which, at this point, isn’t available anywhere (unless you can find the nearly non-existent vinyl release and hope that it’s in NM condition). This is (still) my favorite Whitey track and one that I spent nearly an hour straight listening to after I stumbled across it the first time.]


Whitey is offering all of his previous releases with appended bonus tracks over at Bandcamp. Do head there and check them out. The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a Train features six (6!) additional tracks. Great Shakes Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 offer up 21 tracks between them, several of which have either a.) never been released or b.) never been released legitimately. At some point in the near future, Canned Laughter will be re-released with 4 additional tracks. Open up your ears (and hopefully, wallets) and help Whitey get a leg up in society for once. (Broad authorial wink.)


“No one above the age of 21 was involved in the making of this album. This album was recorded in one 10 hour session. Thanks to our friends, family, loved ones and anyone who fucks with us.”

Avant-garde jazz trio BADBADNOTGOOD make their return today with the release of BBNG2, an eleven-song record composed of hip hop covers as well as original songs. This time around, the ridiculously talented Toronto group tackles the music of James Blake, Kanye West, and even Odd Future, but also contribute five new songs of original material that are even more appealing than their covers.

If you aren’t yet familiar with BADBADNOTGOOD, you can preview the entire album below through their Bandcamp. Once you’re satisfied, you can head over to their website for a free download of the album in multiple file formats.


Listen: Mount Eerie – “To The Ground”

Later this year, Phil Elverum (better known as Mount Eerie) will release two brand new albums through his own P.W. Elverum and Sun label. The first, set for a May 22nd release, is entitled Clear Moon, which will then be followed by its companion album Ocean Roar.

Before all of that comes out though, Elverum will be treating fans to a two-song EP entitled To The Ground, set for release next week on April 10th through Atelier Ciseaux. The title track, which you can listen to below, features haunting vocals over a warm, rhythmic keyboard/drum soundscape. It’s the perfect blend of melancholy and trance to help welcome in the springtime. You can check it out for yourself below and be sure to pick up your copy of the new 7-inch next week.

Listen: The Flaming Lips & Bon Iver – “Ashes In The Air”

For Record Store Day this year, the Flaming Lips will be releasing a new record entitled The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends, which houses a number of collaborations between the Lips and Tame Impala, Yoko Ono, Chris Martin of Coldplay, and even Ke$ha. Today, we get to hear the highly-anticipated collaboration track with Bon Iver. “Ashes In The Air” features the classic psychedelic Flaming Lips sound, which is then complemented by the lush falsetto of Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon, who contributes some peculiar lines about racing robot dogs. Despite that, Vernon sounds completely at home in the woozy electronic soundscape, which results in a great piece of work between two of the biggest acts in the indie rock world.

The Flaming Lips and Heady Fwends Tracklist:
Side 1:
01. 2012 (feat. Ke$ha and Biz Markie)
02. Ashes In The Air (feat. Bon Iver)
03. Helping The Retarded To Know God (feat. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros)

Side 2:
04. Supermoon Made Me Want To Pee (feat. Prefuse 73)
05. Children Of The Moon (feat. Tame Impala)
06. That Ain’t My Trip (feat. Jim James of My Morning Jacket)
07. You, Man? Human? (feat. Nick Cave)

Side 3:
08. I’m Working At NASA On Acid (feat. Lightning Bolt)
09. Do It! (feat. Yoko Ono)
10. Is David Bowie Dying? (feat. Neon Indian)

Side 4:
11. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (feat. Erykah Badu)
12. Thunder Drops (feat. New Fumes)
13. I Don’t Want You To Die (feat. Chris Martin of Coldplay)

Listen: s / s / s – “Museum Day”

s / s / s is the name that Sufjan Stevens, Son Lux, and rapper Serengeti have chosen to use for their new supergroup and on March 20th, the trio will release their first project, an EP entitled Beak & Claw, via Anticon. Our first preview of the EP comes in the form of opening track “Museum Day”, a masterful blend of genres that features an auto-tuned Sufjan (very much in the vein of his newest album The Age of Adz) alongside somber rhymes from Serengeti. It’s pretty interesting to hear everything blend together so effortlessly and if this track is any indication, Beak & Claw will be in heavy rotation throughout the rest of the year. You can give “Museum Day” a listen below.