Download: Clams Casino – Instrumental Mixtape 2

Following up last year’s fantastic Instrumental Mixtape, hip hop producer Clams Casino has tweeted a link to download a brand new mixtape containing fourteen beats he’s made the past year. On the mixtape is some of his awe-inspiring production for the likes of The WeekndLil B, and A$AP Rocky and his remixes of Washed Out and Lana Del Rey. Download the tape here, or listen to some of the tracks below.

MP3: Clams Casino – I’m God [Lil B]

MP3: Clams Casino – Palace [A$AP Rocky]

LITS Mix #1: Beginnings

LITS Mix is a weekly mix of five free songs curated by our ears with your ears in mind. With so much free music to listen to out there, we intend to showcase our favorite tunes in an easily digestible  manner, guiding you through the riff-raff to find the music. This week, we present the very first edition of our mix, featuring a set of chilled-out songs for you to relax to. Kick back and get lost in the sound.

MP3: LITS Mix #1: Beginnings

(0:00 to 1:58) Aphex Twin – “Avril 14th”
(1:58 to 5:19) Apparatjik – “Antlers”
(5:19 to 10:11) XV – “Pictures On My Wall”
(10:11 to 13:06) Washed Out – “Amor Fati (Clams Casino Remix)”
(13:06 to 16:20) Emerald Ruins – “Stay”

Listen: Washed Out – “Amor Fati (Clams Casino Remix)”

New Jersey based (no pun intended) producer Clams Casino was recently tapped by chillwaver Washed Out to remix their newly released single “Amor Fati”, which was just put out yesterday by Weird World. Those that order the 12″ single package are treated with three exclusive tracks, including this remix. In his reworking of the euphorically upbeat track from Washed Out’s 2011 release Within and Without, Clams gives it a more laid-back vibe, fine-tuning the summery track to fit the cooling weather. Personally, I’m a big fan of the original track, but without a doubt, Clams does the song justice. That should come as no surprise though, as the producer’s resume includes standout beat work for the likes of Lil BMac Miller, and most recently on A$AP Rocky‘s new mixtape. Check it out below, courtesy of Time Out London.

MP3: Washed Out – “Amor Fati (Clams Casino Remix)”

Listen: Washed Out – “Call It Off”

Weird World Record Co. just posted a fairly unknown track by chillwave artist Washed Out entitled “Call It Off”. The song will be included on the brand new 12-inch Within and Without single “Amor Fati”, which will be available starting November 7th. If you purchased the deluxe version of the LP from iTunes, you’ve already heard it, but for everyone else, be sure to check it out below. Not sure why this cut was left off the album, as its dreamy synths would have fit perfectly.