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Indie Rock

Watch: Air Marshal Landing – “Little Town”


Air Marshal Landing’s debut record You Used To Be Me is set to be released on the 4th of June. In preparation for the release, the track Little Town is available to download on a “Name Your Price” basis from their Bandcamp page, alongside  a music video which you can watch below. The video was directed by Michael Schmidt and includes, “one of us dressed in drag, one of us twirling an evil moustache, and one of us failing to be a hero.” Little Town, an indie number, contains a mention to Death Cab For Cutie’s Summer Skin alongside incorporating the surprising use of a melodica at the beginning. The electric guitar riffs accompanied by synchronised percussion give off The Strokes vibes and make you want to “dance back to where you came from!”

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7At526aLco]

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